Protocol Labs Research
Our research takes place in the open as a combined effort with external researchers and the academic community. These connections take many forms, depending on the field and the research direction.

Open science

Protocol Labs Research aims to be an open organization with no borders. We are transparent about what we perceive as problems, and we engage with the community in order to better define and, eventually, solve them.
Browse our repositories (GitHub)

Research grants

The Protocol Labs Research Grant Program aims to support collaborative work on problems defined by the broader research community. It comprises both researcher-centric open grants and targeted RFPs. We welcome unique perspectives and diverse backgrounds.
Learn more and apply (GitHub)


Building on our open source culture, Protocol Labs Research works collaboratively with individuals and teams in industry, academia, and society at large. These collaborations vary significantly in format and range from co-authoring solutions and publications to sponsoring worthwhile events and initiatives.


We support conferences, workshops, and events that are directly aligned with the mission and values of Protocol Labs Research. These sponsorships support open source collaboration and innovation, further the visibility and impact of our research, and strengthen relationships between Protocol Labs and other open source communities.
Read our sponsorship policy

Research jobs

The mission of Protocol Labs Research is to pursue open, collaborative, high-impact research that pushes the boundaries of what computing can do for humanity, and we are looking for people who share this vision and are willing to work hard to get there.
Browse current openings

Public talks

We believe knowledge should be shared freely, and whenever possible, we include video recording as part of our event sponsorship. The recordings produced are and will remain free to view on our public video channels. Check out our list of upcoming talks.

Watch previous talks (YouTube)