Protocol Labs Research

Luca Nizzardo

Research Scientist / Cryptonet


PhD in Software, Systems, and Computing, 2018

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

MS in Mathematics, 2013

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

BS in Mathematics, 2011

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Luca is a Cryptography Researcher at Protocol Labs, where he works on crypto-related problems involving Filecoin. Before joining Protocol Labs, Luca did his PhD in Cryptography at Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software under the outstanding supervision of Dario Fiore. He is broadly interested in Blockchain related problems involving cryptography, like Zero Knowledge Proof Systems, Contingent Payments, Consensus Algorithms, and Vector Commitment Schemes.

He has been working on cryptographic techniques for the security of the Cloud since 2014, with a particular focus on homomorphic primitives. Before starting his PhD, he was a business intern at IBM Italy in the Global Business Services division (Fall 2013) and a visiting master student at City College of New York under the supervision of Rosario Gennaro (Spring 2013). During the Spring 2017, he was a visiting PhD student under the supervision of Rosario Gennaro at City College of New York.

Areas of Expertise



Vector commitment techniques and applications to verifiable decentralized storage
Theory and Practice of Blockchains 2020 / 2020.07.01
Matteo Campanelli , Dario Fiore, Nicola Greco , Luca Nizzardo , Dimitris Kolonelos


2022-04-08 / Report
Witness-authenticated key exchange revisited: Improved models, simpler constructions, extensions to groups
We revisit the notion of Witness Authenticated Key Exchange (WAKE) where a party can be authenticated through a generic witness to an NP statement. We point out shortcomings of previous definitions, protocols and security proofs in Ngo et al.
2020-12-05 / Report
Incrementally aggregatable vector commitment techniques and applications to verifiable decentralized storage
Vector commitments with subvector openings (SVC) [Lai-Malavolta, Boneh-Bunz-Fisch; CRYPTO’19] allow one to open a committed vector at a set of positions with an opening of size independent of both the vector’s length and the number of opened positions.
Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2020 / 2020.12.05
Matteo Campanelli , Dario Fiore, Nicola Greco , Dimitris Kolonelos, Luca Nizzardo
2020-11-17 / Conference paper
Subversion-resilient enhanced privacy ID
Anonymous attestation for secure hardware platforms leverages tailored group signature schemes and assumes the hardware to be trusted. Yet, there is an increasing concern on the trustworthiness of hardware components and embedded systems.
Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference / 2022.02.07 / San Francisco, CA, USA
Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Luca Nizzardo , Claudio Soriente